The band was formed in 1980 they where influenced by UK and some of US hc bands.In 1981 the first line-up started to play noisy and chaotic hc.Kaaos first EP 8 camed like a split with a band called Cadgers(later Riistetyt).Jakke was the only original member in the band,the band would frequently changed their members.Not so long after that the band released their famous EP "Totaalinen Kaaos" that EP was the one of the best selling records in Finland.In 1984 came out record called "Ristiinnaulittu Kaaos".
During their European tour they recorded a split LP with Terveet Kadet called "So Much Fun".In 1985 they toured all over Finland and Europe, and then they recorded another EP (wich camed out in 1993) and n that year they did their final show.